The Secret
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Region: South America / Ethiopia
Process: Washed
Elevation: 1600-2000m
In The cup
A blend utilizing delicate Ethiopian heirloom coffees and a consistent Colombian field blend from our direct trading partners, it is developed on the lighter side of the medium roast level to ensure the cup is all about complexity, sweetness balance.
About the Cup
The Secret is a Year-Round coffee that is used in ALL modcup cafes as our espresso blend coffee.
Focusing on modernity; brightness with balance is the aim.
Confident in its use of the modern without being dismissive of traditions.
The Secret has the Mod!
Brewing with lighters roasts and higher elevation dense arabica coffees
Brewing coffee is complicated and you should adjust your brewing technique to the roast level of the coffee. When light roasts are brewed perfectly, they can be extraordinary. But when they are bad, they are horrible!
Components of Cup
Colombia (Reginional Lot - Mixed Varietals)
Ethiopia (Yirgacheffe Grade 1 - Heirloom Varietals)
Ethiopia (Yirgacheffe Grade 2 - Heirloom Varietals)